

Which group of people should change their behaviour and how?

You now have a clear picture of the social change you want to bring about. Now it is time to ask yourself: who needs to change their behaviour in order for society to move closer to this vision? And above all else: what exactly does the change in behaviour among your project?s target group ultimately have to look like?

Example VillageOffice

The target group comprises employed individuals who live in rural areas and work in the city. The objective is for them to have to commute less and instead be able to work from where they live.

  • First step:
    Employees are made aware of the VillageOffice project.

  • There are many steps in between.

  • Desired change in behaviour: cars remain in the parking garage (or the pressure on public transport is relieved at peak times).


My 0 to 100 moment

You suddenly see your target group as people with specific concerns and requirements.

How it works

  • Ideally, you should focus on the group of people who are the most important for your project.

  • Imagine a fictive person from this group in as much detail as possible.

  • How does this person currently behave?

  • How should this person behave in future?

  • What would be the first small step?

  • Think carefully about what change in behaviour should ultimately come about?


It is not uncommon for a desired change in behaviour to be dependent on the behaviour of other people.

In the VillageOffice example, companies have to make it possible for their employees to work outside their usual office (remotely). Important: note these conditions for the next two steps, namely the offer and the impact chain.

Hello, target group!

With this exercise, you will get to know your users quickly.